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UK press coverage

February 1997

Jan 97 Feb 97 Mar 97




[Independent On Sunday - 2 February 1997]

ITN coverage of Bosnia, 1992

In the latest edition of last week's issue, under the heading 'ITN may sue over article', we reported allegations published in the magazine Living Marxism which were critical of ITN, News at Ten reporter penny Marshall and ITN camera crews. These allegations related to ITN coverage of the Trnopolje camp in Bosnia in 1992. Having investigated the matter ourselves, we accept that ITN's award-winning reports were fair and impartial. We are happy to set the matter straight.

We also repeated the suggestion that ITN's Penny Marshall and Ed Vuliammy of the Guardian visited the camp at the request of Serbian leader Radovan Karadzic, who asked them to visit in order to scotch rumours of Bosnian-Serb atrocities at the site. We accept that this was not the case and regret publishing the claims.

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