Travelling With Pets ‒ Tips For Stress Free Travel Experience

shutterstock_113889586.downloadTravelling can be stressful, more so if you are embarking the journey with your pet. If you don’t have a passport, remember to make an application for passport a few weeks before the journey while travelling overseas. It would also be a good idea to ask your preferred airline for their policies on transportation of pets. There will be specific regulations related to the size and make of the carrier your pet is to be placed in, the medication they should be on, the format of identification etc. You will also need to check on whether your pet will have to travel in the cargo hold or can accompany you on board. Once you know all these details, you can prepare yourself and your pet for the trip.

Preparing to transport your pet
There is no doubt that animals are stressed physically and emotionally when they travel. The sudden change in environs, the cabin pressure and the sedatives they are on can make a difference. To reduce this stress, make sure that you opt for direct and short haul flights as far as possible. Make it a point to travel in the same flight as your pet and request a member of the staff to keep an eye on your pet as it is loaded and unloaded off the flight. Also, let a member of the cabin crew know that you have a pet in transit with you.

If the climate of your place and that of the destination is different, ensure that the flight you choose has a cargo hold that can regulate temperatures and manage the transition. This is important for the health of your pet. Certain animals like Bulldogs, Persian cats or even Pekingese cannot adapt to travelling in the cargo hold because of their short breathing habits. This makes them extremely vulnerable to heat strokes as well as deprivation of oxygen.

Labelling the carrier in which your pet will be placed is important. Make sure you include your permanent address and all your contact details. Include details of your travel destination and how you can be contacted there. Make sure that your pet’s collar has at least one set of these details on it.

Preparing your pet for transportation
Your pet should be given enough time for adjusting to his carrier. Introduce him to it at least a month before travel so that he doesn’t react, when you finally place him in. Check that his collar doesn’t get caught in the bars of the carrier. Clip nails to prevent any accidents while travelling. Whatever tranquilisers you give your pet, make sure they are prescribed and the vet is aware of your travel plans.

It is necessary that you don’t feed your pet for at least 6 hours before travel. A little water now and then is alright however.

Always have your pet’s health record handy and check the carrier as soon as you can, at the end of travel. If you feel something is amiss, do visit a vet immediately.

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