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BBC News
Not divided into sections (except UK and World); more documentary lead; full list of current stories at bottom of page
ITN Online
Stories treated more like features; navigation gives no feedback on where you are
LM Online
The Guardian Newspaper
CBS - Welcome Home
NBC TV's Home On The Web -
The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition
Business Week
Political News from Wired News
casco bay weekly
The Washington Times-Front Page
Basically stories recycled onto the Web, even following newspaper format; limited use of pix (tho credited). Tools are non-existent; colour not used for sections. Ads isolated from copy. Stories lead into full text, author credit given, easy to pick out.
Boston Globe Online
The Nando Times
Content sections clear; sections have prominent title with colour code. Search very good; multiple frames for results and target frame for story. Stories clearly presented; top story in each section. Tools scattered. Photo gallery for access to stories.
Los Angeles Times Web Site
Uses drop down menus for all navigation, with links for related stories; terrible site map; typography fussy and sloppy; sections very confused - hard to see real content sections. Search offers confusing selection of options. Inconsistent use of colour.
Nav mixes content and tools, and changes from page to page, sometimes on the right; pages are busier than they need to be; news ticker is in a deep box, gives no context; background pattern not used to separate elements; generally works too hard.
The New York Times on the Web
Menu and page based site, requires lot of clicks; sells stories effectively but gives little sense of where you are; pages poorly branded; WebX forums not well customised; ads well separated; login works well; low text version; home page small works well
FOX News
Nav doesn't support rollovers, gives limited feedback on location; stories uncontextualised; limited info on HP; video is a separate section, tho well done; frames but proper URLs; Java news ticker is good (shows sections, not too fast). Good search tips.
Philadelphia Online | HOME
Tools at top (text links); icons for Contents/Services on left; adds and Web Specials on right; lead stories sold at top and headlines at bottom of (long) page
Welcome to
Drop down menu for Content sections with Tools to right; left column used for misc leads; Special Features flagged below lead stories; in a story links are to Home, the Tools and Todays News & National Section
Welcome to The Gate
3D Content menu bar at left, which changes state as you go into a new section; lead story with sells to the right
San Francisco Chronicle on The Gate
No news on front; text based navigation with Content links on left and Tools (Services) on the right
The Chicago Tribune
Content and Tool nav in separate rows along the top; stories flagged under (slightly different) sections down the left with lead story and Latest News on the right; trails have [On to Section Name] at the end
MSN News
Sections flagged as navigation on left but stories also listed under same headings on right; stories not contextualised and no indication of section
The Independent
Stories on home page lead under a section head; lead story (again flagged by section)
Welcome to Times internet space
CNN Interactive
The Seattle Times
The Economist
PA NewsCentre

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